On January 20, 2025, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the President of the United States of America for the second time. Let us see what the stars have to say about this shift in destiny. (Sidereal Zodiac, Vedic Astrology).
The Sun shows the power and strength of the leader, and it is in well positioned in the 10th sign of the zodiac under the influence of Jupiter. This is the greatest blessing in this chart. It shows that the country and leader will be well and strong. It also indicates a powerful time for businesses and wealth building. Jupiter in Taurus indicates that crops will do well and there will be enough resources.
Mars is in debilitation in the fourth sign of the zodiac and moving through sensitive degrees, giving it an unstable anchor. This indicates increased military presence or intervention domestically, creating unrest, anger, and tarnishing overall happiness (Mars-Sun opposition). This position of Mars also shows discord within the military; it could indicate tension and conflict between the leader (Sun) and the military (Mars). The people (fourth house) and the Sun in authority (10th house) are in opposition. This Mars-Sun opposition creates a bandhana—things are stuck, and the energy is being pulled in two different directions. Overall people may be conflicted with the leadership of this presidency which could lead to unrest.
With the Moon conjunct Ketu, the tension of increased military action on native soil will create discord in the nation, leading to fighting and reckless actions. Some things will remain hidden—Ketu has a way of obscuring matters, leaving a blind spot… Saturn in Aries Navamsha reinforces societal discontent for the working class. This combination is influenced by Jupiter showing that the economy and growth of ressources will help alliviate some of the dissatisfaction.
Venus is in close conjunction with Saturn, with an aspect from Mars. This position is unfortunate for young women and reproductive rights. Expect significant challenges for reproductive rights, with potential for setbacks that may lead to health risks due to outdated medical policies. This conjunction will influence foreign relations—diplomacy will be necessary for financial growth.
Mercury in the 9th sign of the zodiac indicates that situations from the past (like the war in Ukraine) will influence the economy. The tech and entertainment industry will benefit luck from this presidency. A strong leadership (Sun in Capricorn) will be a great asset for these sectors.
The two weak points are for Mars and Venus. While the two strong points are Sun and Jupiter. Moon and Mercury are under mixed influences.

Between February 1st–3rd, Jupiter will be stationary and in planetary exchange with Venus in Pisces. This moment is likely to propel forward the acquisition or control of foreign land, specifically Pisces-ruled territories (water-surrounded regions)—such as the Panama Canal. This marks a significant and unexpected karmic shift in U.S. international relations.