Jupiter is beginning its journey through the sign of Taurus on May 1st, 2024. Finally breaking free from the storm yoga, caused by the drsti of Rahu and Saturn, two malefics, that have been influencing Jupitarian affairs in Aries for the past year.
Jupiter will remain in Taurus until May 14th 2025. Taurus is an earth sign and the natural second house of the zodiac. A blessed second house will give great wealth, blessing of family, a beautiful face and speech. The second sign of the Zodiac is the place of exaltation of the Moon, where She shines her brightest blessings. The Moon is society at large, Mother, nourishment, especially when associated with Taurus.
Once a month, during the duration of this transit, the Moon will meet Jupiter in the sign of Taurus, creating an auspicious Gajakeśarī yoga (union). This combination unites the Elephant with the Lion, meaning the ability to move through obstacles combined with the capacity to seat in a position of power. In a horoscope (unaflicted) this combination shows the blessing to generate great wealth, societal recognition and overall success.
Jupiter is the manifestation of widsom and higher learning in our lives. Indeed think of the association of knowledge with the term 'enlightening.'
Akasha the space element, allows for all things to move. Where there is spaciousness there is ease. Jupiter in essence is harmony and the ruler of Akash.
The three lunar mansions of Vṛṣabha-Taurus are as follows:
Nakṣatra | Deity | Śakti |
Kṛttikā | Agni | burning, clarifying |
Rohiṇī | Brahmā | creating |
Mṛgaśira | Chandra | growth |
(Reference: Science of light, F.T Cole) Want to learn vedic astrology? Register for a six weeks intro class with Jessica starting on May 23rd

During this transit Rahu the planet of shadow, poison, manipulation, revolution, and shock will continue its retrogression through Pisces. A few things to note. This position of Jupiter in Taurus and Rahu in Pisces, shows that although Jupiter will be pulling us towards expansiveness Rahu will continue to cause blockages. This will be amplified by the fact that a Guru Chandala will continue to influence Aries until Spring 2025. Remember to invoke Ganesha or Mary Undoer of knots, to overcome your obstacles. With that said, whenever a planet aligns with Jupiter in Taurus this year, it will dissolve the virodha and allow for the obstacles to be conquered. Somethings to look forward to.
Wanting more on this transit review my video on the youtube channel.
Ready to have professional guidance on your chart? Book a reading by emailing me at info@aureliejyotisha.com
Much light to you,
Oṁ Gurave Namaḥ |